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on the verge of bankruptcy 意味

"on the verge of bankruptcy"の例文


  • (会社がなどが)アップアップの状態で、倒産寸前で、もう危ない
  • verge     1verge n. 縁(ふち), きわ. 【前置詞+】 beyond the verge of the city 市外に We
  • bankruptcy     bankruptcy n. 破産. 【動詞+】 avoid bankruptcy 破産を免れる declare bankruptcy
  • on the verge     on the verge 寸前 すんぜん
  • on the verge of     on the verge of 間際に まぎわに 間際 まぎわ 擦れ擦れ すれすれ 真際 まぎわ
  • on the verge of financial bankruptcy    《be ~》財政上{ざいせいじょう}の破たんを来している
  • someone who is on the verge of bankruptcy but hasn't been through bankruptcy    破産しそうで破産{はさん}に至っていない人
  • on the verge    on the verge 寸前 すんぜん
  • on the verge of    on the verge of 間際に まぎわに 間際 まぎわ 擦れ擦れ すれすれ 真際 まぎわ
  • to be on the verge of    to be on the verge of 瀕する ひんする
  • verge     1verge n. 縁(ふち), きわ. 【前置詞+】 beyond the verge of the city 市外に We parked the car on the grass verge at the side of the road. 道路のかたわらの草の縁に自動車を止めた We stand on the verge of bankruptcy.
  • verge on    ~に近づく、~にほとんど等しい
  • bankruptcy     bankruptcy n. 破産. 【動詞+】 avoid bankruptcy 破産を免れる declare bankruptcy 破産を宣告する We face bankruptcy. わが社は破産に直面している. 【+動詞】 Retail bankruptcies increased 50 percent. 小売り業の破産は 50
  • in bankruptcy    《be ~》破産{はさん}している
  • anal verge    肛門縁{こうもんえん}
  • grass verge    道端{みちばた}の草地{くさち}


  • quentin sainz company was on the verge of bankruptcy .
    クウェンティン・サインツの会社は 倒産寸前でした
  • quentin sainz's company was on the verge of bankruptcy .
    クウェンティン・サインツの会社は 倒産寸前でした
  • in 1999 , the government injects public fund to a bank that may be on the verge of bankruptcy
    1999年 破たん寸前の銀行に 公的資金を注入したのは
  • at about that time , management of the kariganeya was on the verge of bankruptcy; yet , being a philanderer by nature , korin spent days pursuing pleasure and squandering the huge sum he had inherited , and ended up borrowing money from his younger brother , kenzan .
  • the kuhara mining company managed by his younger brother-in-law , fusanosuke kuhara , was on the verge of bankruptcy due to the economic depression after the world war i and kuhara ' s entrance into politics , so ayukawa reluctantly agreed to take over the position at the request from giichi tanaka (army general ) of the seiyu party and others , who wished for reconstruction of the company .
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