verge 1verge n. 縁(ふち), きわ. 【前置詞+】 beyond the verge of the city 市外に We parked the car on the grass verge at the side of the road. 道路のかたわらの草の縁に自動車を止めた We stand on the verge of bankruptcy.
quentin sainz company was on the verge of bankruptcy . クウェンティン・サインツの会社は 倒産寸前でした
quentin sainz's company was on the verge of bankruptcy . クウェンティン・サインツの会社は 倒産寸前でした
in 1999 , the government injects public fund to a bank that may be on the verge of bankruptcy 1999年 破たん寸前の銀行に 公的資金を注入したのは
at about that time , management of the kariganeya was on the verge of bankruptcy; yet , being a philanderer by nature , korin spent days pursuing pleasure and squandering the huge sum he had inherited , and ended up borrowing money from his younger brother , kenzan . その頃、雁金屋の経営は破綻していたが、生来遊び人であった光琳は遊興三昧の日々を送って、相続した莫大な財産を湯水のように使い果たし、弟の尾形乾山からも借金するようなありさまであった。
the kuhara mining company managed by his younger brother-in-law , fusanosuke kuhara , was on the verge of bankruptcy due to the economic depression after the world war i and kuhara ' s entrance into politics , so ayukawa reluctantly agreed to take over the position at the request from giichi tanaka (army general ) of the seiyu party and others , who wished for reconstruction of the company . 義弟久原房之助の経営する久原鉱業は、当時は、第一次世界大戦後の恐慌と久原の政界入りで経営破綻に瀕していたが、政友会の田中義一(陸軍大将)らの再建の懇請にしぶしぶ応じたもの。